"As educators, we have the tremendous responsibility to work towards a future marked by empathy, love, and inclusion by committing to living and teaching anti-racism every single day."
~Phoenix Modern
Below are some suggestions on how to challenge the status quo and practice a lifetime of working towards a future marked by empathy, love, and inclusion.
- Read Black authors
- Join a Teaching for Black Lives Study Group
- Write and document.
- Learn new skills and teach the ones you know.
- Read some more!
- Commit to an organization with shared principles, values, and ideology.
- Join and get involved in the union.
- Write to prisoners.
- Involve parents, caretakers, and families.
- Respond to calls made by marginalized people.
- Organize for Ethnic Studies. It's the curriculum for learning solidarity.
Take Care
- Frame self-care as community care.
- Do the work of healing your hurt.
- Study your biases and self-awareness.
- Change the ways in which you consume/spend.
- Resist fear. Operate and do from love.
- Use your voice. Attend and speak at school board and city council meetings.
- Invite friends into this work.
- Volunteer.
- Make zines and share them.